Tuesday 19 August 2014

7th Edition and you: A trilogy in X parts... Editioning with a Vengeance

Right so after that delay I'm back, where was I?

So 7th Edition has changed things quite significantly all told and I saved one of the biggest changes till last:

Everyone scores.

Is that a Looted Fex scoring my objective?

Two simple words that change everything and open a world of possibilities.  Do I keep taking those cultists the internet says to use and let my elite/fast/heavies do my scoring or do I try and put rock solid Plague marines on the objectives and block out my opponent with objective secured to win that way?

Once you take everything we've talked about into consideration together you can see how things have changed.  Maelstrom missions getting scored turn by turn, everyone scoring, most troops having ob-sec.  You can try and gunline it up but unless you are confident you can table your opponent you better also be bringing some mobility.  You need the power to project scoring manpower across the board or armies like tactical heavy drop pod lists are going to wipe the floor with you, not because they killed you but because they are up by 5,10,15 maelstrom points.

Reecius at Frontline Gaming (Name drop my my current favourite 40k website, you guys deserve it) put together a similar list but it was loaded up in rhino's with scout from White Scars I believe.  60-70 tactical marines on top of you double tapping and ob-secing everything they need from turn 1.  Sure, most of them only have boltguns but that's 18 ob-sec units with combat squadding, you are gonna need to do something special to stop them drawing a full new set of objectives after turn 1.

Add in a Thunderfire or some such grabbing a backfielder because everything scores and killing the enemy becomes a minor part of your plan.

Wanna go Nidzilla? 2 min units of Rippers and go MC nuts, your Carnifex brood can score now.  It creates options and options are good, you don't want to end up playing the same army over and over.
I love this change, it makes the game less about lining up and shooting and more about holding objectives without making it a troops only game.

So who are the winners and losers of 7th:

CWE and Tau lost each other as battle brothers and skimmers lost passive jinking, probably good as these 2 were probably the strongest armies in the game.  The Wave Serpent and Riptide continue to be a little too good for their cost but it's improved.  Neither had amazing troops outside of Eldar jetbikes so everyone scoring does help them in that regard (ob-sec Wave Serpents and scoring Riptides...)
Lots of change but overall their position changed very little.

Chaos getting Helldrake nerfed leaves them in a tricky position, people not relying on shoehorning in cultists might create some new builds though, my guys are pure Slaaneshi so I'm still paying over the odds for bad I5 tac marines and the not too shabby but not very mobile Noise Marines :(

Now that is how you move and fire a guitar...

Imperials gained battle brothers with all imperials... wait what?
Now I hate the Imperials with a passion so I can't get into too much detail but if you can't put together some outrageous combo's from that I'll eat my hat.

I started talking about this but with how fast the new dexes are hitting it seems a little too fluid to really say what the meta is like or will be like even a short time after.

Personally I choose to ignore the doom-mongering, that the release schedule is too fast, the rules too bad to even play.  I think this is a great time to be playing 40k, 6th and 7th have been great editions for me and I can only hope this continues through as all the codicies get 7th ed updates.

It's not an idea tourney play kind of game, not unworkable if you want to use it for that but you will need to set some ground rules.  For having some fun with your friends, playing games that tell stories of epic battles I've yet to find it's better.  This isn't to say I wont, I just haven't yet.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Moving House

So starting a new blog when you are moving and without internet for a while lacks wisdom I see that now.

Things are settling down again now so the 3rd part of my 7th Edition review will be up soon and hopefully I can really crack on, just wanted to keep my handful of readers in the loop.